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Fortunately, some patriots in the United States don't stay away, while traitors
destroy this country. Our friends from San Diego organized a rally to support
ideas of Donald Trump. Patriots carried and waved American flags, while…
I cannot understand why democrats encourage breaking the law. They harbor
illegal aliens who are breaking our immigration and labor laws. They praise
rioters and vandals... What's wrong with them?
This invasive war cult has no place in any Civilized society! America, as the
land of the free, should ban Sharia on federal level!
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No more mosques! We have to protect American culture!
German Police arrested a 27-year-old man after he stabbed four people at a
train station located near Munich early Tuesday morning.

He killed a 50-year-old man and injured three other men. Witnesses Claim the
man screamed “Allah Akbar” during the…